GenAI as your Co-Founder

Translate innovation team effort into revenue-generating ventures. Reach across silos, iterate better with new evidence, and speed up the path from discovery to development.


Translate your R&D into Innovation

The Executive who says this...

I need to future-proof my business, but I don’t know which projects in R&D are best to bring to market. Where do I invest further?
...uses these:
Evaluate and rank Concepts to align with strategic goals.
Use AI models to analyze the competitive landscape.
Climate-focused ideation and concept evaluation.

The Researcher who says this...

"I want to focus on generating IP, but I spend a lot of time justifying my research. I don’t know exactly how to describe it or how it could be used.
...uses these:
Write technology summaries to efficiently communicate the value of research and inventions to management.
Guided brainstorming to generate and iterate on Concepts.
Agentic AI to identify and incorporate newly published research that’s relevant to your team’s ongoing projects.

Product capabilities

Research analysis & Tech translation

Match your ground-breaking technology with unsolved problems, new applications, and untapped markets.
External research agent
VoC data analysis
Patent and IP landscape
Journey mapping

Innovation management & Concept evaluation

Manage your venture pipeline to align with your strategic goals. Generate new concepts linked to refined problem statements.
White space analysis
New concept generation
Problem & solution libraries

Business modeling & Hypothesis testing

Validate assumptions, identify and address key risks, and pinpoint the right markets with a Canvas for every needs.
Business Model Canvas
Assumptions exploration
Hypothesis formation
Gap and risk analysis

Our leadership team

Sean Ammirati

Sean Ammirati

Andrew Giessel
Andrew Giessel
Anna Lawn
Anna Lawn
Head of Product
Neil Soni
Neil Soni
Head of Biz Dev